How to Cook Mpulungu Kapenta with Groundnuts

Mpulungu Kapenta is a type of Kapenta that comes from Mpulungu District in Zambia. It is bigger in size than the regular Kapenta. It also takes a bit longer to cook because of its texture. It can be prepared by making a stew with oil or frying but in this recipe, we are going to learn how to cook Mpulungu Kapenta in Peanut sauce using any regular peanut butter brand of your  choice.

Mpulungu Kapenta
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You will need;


1 cup of Dried Mpulungu Kapenta
1 big tomato
1 medium onion

Fresh Chillies
Peanut Butter

Spring onion

How to cook Mpulungu Kapenta

Clean the Kapenta by picking out the dirt particles

Wash the Kapenta in clean warm water

Put it in a pot and add salt, some bit of water and let it cook for about 30 minutes

Take 3 scoops of peanut butter and add some water to make a light paste

Add the paste to the Kapenta and let it cook for a 20-25minutes

Cut the tomato, chillies and onion add to the Kapenta

Leave it to cook for some minutes until the tomato is properly cooked and the gravy becomes thick.

Simmer for 10 -15 minutes and sprinkle some spring onions on top

Ready to serve with nshima and other vegetables


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