How to Cook Dry Mintesa (Mormyrids fish)


Mintesa or Imintesa (Bemba language) are a  type of fish common in Zambia. They are a type of Mormyrids fish and are very tasty both fresh and dry. In chinyanja language, they are called Tunyansi. In this recipe, we are going to learn how to cook dry mintesa with some gravy.

How to cook dry mintesa

Here is the recipe below for the dried ones.


  • 2 Handfuls Imintesa
  • 1 Medium Tomato
  • 1 Medium Onion
  • 1 Green pepper
  • 5 Tbsp Cooking oil
Dry Mintesa
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  1. Put the Imintesa in warm water and rest it for 5 minutes
  2. Rinse in cold water to remove dirt and dust particles
  3. Put cooking oil on the pan and fry
  4. Remove from the pan and add some tomatoes, onions, green pepper and salt to make gravy
  5. Put them back on the pan together with the gravy and stir
  6. It is now ready to serve
  7. Enjoy!
how to cook dry mintesa
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See also  Dry Okra Recipe-Zambian Food